Editorial: Fuck Racists

The University of New South Wales had moved online for over three months, and so little has happened that the biggest news this month would be the fact that there’s a fox on campus.

However, 2020 had to be different, because of course it did. 2020 was the year of the Karen. 2020 is every loud exclamation mark to cap off a negative TripAdvisor review written in all caps because the restaurant’s table water tasted too neutral. This month’s Karen was a Kensington candidate by the name of Claudia McDonnell, who, much like Chris D’Elia, forgot about this obscure thing called “the ability to screenshot everything you’ve ever said on the internet”.

Apparently she doesn’t know how time works either, as she made an apology for her actions did “as a child” even though her posts dated as far back as last month. So either she grew up a LOT since May 2020, or she’s admitted that the elections were such a joke that even her, a child, could run a campaign.

Well done to the UNSW cohort for bringing this to light, because these views would not have come to surface without your participatory journalism, or, as the mature age students like to call it, cancel culture.

UNSW was too busy to vet the candidates as they were busy trying to make the student surveys look positive. But was anyone really expecting them to be proactive after responding to its first case students getting COVID-19 by sending a campus wide e-mail saying that the student was not contagious?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is coronavirus-unsw.png
Pictured above: Evidence that the Australian Government has not invested enough in the science industry. Source: https://twitter.com/unsw/status/1239122351918178311?lang=en

Naturally, the year of the Karen also saw its ambassadors come out in droves, saying things that were so controversial, yet so brave.

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Pictured: Either the greatest troll in existence or proof that we live in a simulation.

Well, if there’s one thing that we’ve learnt from June 2020, it’s that mocking someone for having discriminatory viewpoints is the worst kind of discrimination. That’s why All Lives Matter, right?

2 thoughts on “Editorial: Fuck Racists”

  1. Usually the commentary done by you is pretty funny. Easily today you enjoyed letting the veil slip and just enjoyed plainly manufacturing the assasination of someone’s character by some obvious imperfections that I’d assume you’re too perfect a human being to ever have had.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the feedback Phillup! We’ll make sure that our character assassinations are more organic less plainly manufactured in the future 🙂


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